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Seller's Guide

Whether You Are Just Thinking About Selling, or Are Ready to Go… This Guide Is for You!

Navigating the process of selling your home can feel like a monumental task given the nature of the real estate market today. But don't worry. We're here to help make this process as painless as possible. Read on to learn what you need to consider to be prepared when it comes time to sell your home.
Prioritize Your Personal Goals. We believe it's essential to set clear expectations for the selling process and ask yourself some important questions. Namely, be sure that you determine the most important thing you hope to get out of your transaction. Although this might sound like a simple question, the answer is not always as apparent as you think. Foremost in your mind may be that you hope to achieve your home's highest possible sale price. However, time may play a significant factor. For instance, if you're moving due to a time-sensitive event, such as a new job that requires relocation, that fact will weigh heavily on your outcome. Perhaps an architect of some renown designed the home, or the home has historical significance...a seller may elect to prioritize a buyer that will respect the home's heritage. We've seen this occur on more than one occasion. Any one of a number of factors can ultimately play into your selling strategy.
Do Your Research. Given the national exposure explicitly focused on the housing market, we are sure you understand that today's housing market is unlike anything we've seen in the past. Over the last two years, we experienced one of the hottest seller's markets on record, in considerable measure due to the effects of the pandemic. There were far more buyers than there were houses on the market. This led to increased housing prices and bidding wars, with homes selling in record time after being listed.
A Shifting Market. In recent months, however, the market has begun to shift… higher mortgage rates, inflation, and uncertain financial markets have conspired to slow the number of home sales over the past few months. Therefore, the more you know, the better decisions you will make. We can also help you weed through the noise to determine whether now is indeed the right time to sell.
You Only Have One Chance to Make a First Impression. Before listing, getting your home "market ready" is critical. Begin by putting yourself in a buyer's shoes. Be objective. Contemplate how a buyer may view your home when touring it for the first time.
Conduct Your Own Pre-inspection. There's a good chance that your home has sustained some wear and tear through the years. Conduct a walk-through of your property's interior and exterior and note anything that needs to be fixed or replaced. This might include anything from nicks in the wall to burnt-out lightbulbs. Even freshening up the paint in specific spaces will help tremendously. Addressing such small details will show potential homeowners that the house has been appropriately maintained and loved.
Even Better, Hire a Professional Home Inspector To Prepare a Thorough Inspection of Your Property. Knowing potential deal breakers in advance will help you eliminate possible objections the buyer may have after their inspection. For instance, if an inspection determines that there is some rot in the sill of your home, it would be best to consider having it repaired before you list. A buyer will uncover the issue anyway and, in all likelihood, will want it repaired before closing the deal. A hidden issue could potentially derail a deal, especially if time is of the essence. The fewer objections a buyer encounters, the better.
Declutter Your Home. Research by Consumer Reports has found that decluttering can increase the value by 3-5% when it comes time to sell. The easiest way to approach decluttering is one room at a time, completing one job before moving on to the next. Once you've decluttered, give the house a thorough top-to-bottom cleaning. Please pay special attention to the kitchen and the bathroom to get them looking top-notch.
Consider Staging. This is not as complicated as it may sound. An experienced agent will be to help you tweak your furniture placement and other decorative elements in a way that shows off the space to its best advantage.
Make a Buyer Feel Comfortable In Your Home. A buyer is looking for a home they can visualize themselves living in. If they see an over-abundance of family pictures and mementos, it may be possible they won't be able to imagine themselves living in your house. Some personalization is fine. It just shouldn't dominate the scene!
Selling a Home Can Be a Complicated Process. In the National Association of REALTOR'S® 2021 Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers, it was reported that 9 out of 10 buyers (87%) and sellers (90%) used an agent or broker, illustrating the need for a professional's perspective and guidance. From start to finish, your agent will wear several hats to help you attain the goals you set for yourself. They'll assist in everything from marketing your home, staging it, guiding you through the negotiation process, and closing. That's why it's critical to find a Realtor that you are comfortable with and can work with.
We Stand Ready to Help. When hiring Alan DiStasio, you can expect clear communication, complete transparency, and sound strategic advice from over 23 years of real estate practice in selling and executive leadership roles. During that time, Alan has earned a stellar reputation for setting clear expectations with his clients and always ensuring that his clients' needs come first.
Contact us today to learn how we can guide you through the process from start to finish. We'll work tirelessly to ensure that you will have a smooth selling process.

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